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Our Doctrine

The Holy Trinity

We believe God consists of three parts that work in unity. Those parts are God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost.

Christ is Alive

We believe that Christ died, was resurrected and ascended to Heaven.  He is currently sitting at the right hand of God the Father and we await his return.

The Holy Scriptures

We believe the Bible is the Word of God.  Its words convict the sinner and give strength unto us, the believers.

Blood of Christ

We believe that Christ died for our sins.  It is through his blood that our are sins forgiven.


We believe that we are cleansed and forgiven of our sins.  This cleansing allows us to worship God in Spirit and in Truth

Holy Ghost Baptism

We believe that Pentecostal baptism of the Holy Ghost is obtainable by the faith of a fully cleansed believer. The initial evidence of this experience is speaking with other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance.

The Second Coming

We believe that Jesus resides in Heaven and will soon come back to take his children, the believers, home.

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Jesus Christ

We believe in Jesus Christ's virgin birth, death and resurrection.   Jesus was in this world as a man but still very much God.

The Holy Spirit

We believe the Holy Ghost – or Holy Spirit – is a person that convicts us of sin, and leads us to Christ.  He also anoints our lives for He is our Teacher, Comforter and Guide.

Heaven and Hell

We believe there is a Heaven to gain and a Hell to shun.  It is through belief in Christ that we can gain a Heavenly Reward. 

Justified by Faith

We believe that we are not saved by our actions but by our Faith in Jesus Christ.  


We believe in sanctification as a definite, instantaneous work of grace.  It delivers us from sin, so we may live a Holy life.

Divine Healing

We believe that God can heal our bodies of sickness and disease.  While we do not condemn modern medical science, we know we have a God in Heaven that is our Great Physician.

The Great Commission

We believe that it is the responsibility of every believer to testify of Jesus Christ at home and abroad.

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Hodges Chapel Pentecostal Holiness Church

Physical Address:

540 Carrow Rd

Chocowinity, North Carolina 27817

Mailing Address:

2564 Taylor Rd

Chocowinity, North Carolina 27817

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