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Rev. S. C. Hodges

In 1907 the local community, lead by Reverend A. H. Butler, had a desire to have a church to call home.   Through prayer and supplication the people







 The Hodges Chapel Church was organized in 1907 by the Reverend A. H. Butler.  It received its name from Rev. S.C. Hodges who gave the land to build the church on.  The first structure was a small wood frame building that was out grown within a short time.  The small building was moved and a new church was built.

The Hodges Chapel Church was organized in 1907 by the Reverend A. H. Butler.  It received its name from Rev. S.C. Hodges who gave the land to build the church on.  The first structure was a small wood frame building that was out grown within a short time.  The small building was moved and a new church was built.

Rev. A. H. Butler was the first pastor and he served seven years for his first tenure.  Rev. Butler encouraged  the people of the church and community to build a school and employ a teacher that would have a Christian influence on their children.  Reverend Hodges gave land for the school to be built on and it was erected across from the church.  The people employed a teacher for a number of years. When the people were no longer able to support the school, the children went to the county schools (located on Highway 264 - now Highway 33).

Reverend N.J. Medford, the first pastor to live in the community, converted the old school building into a parsonage.  A kitchen was added and a little remodeling was done.  This building served as a home for the pastors of Hodges Chapel for over 20 years.

In 1946, the need for a new parsonage was great.  Rev. A.B. Howard, pastor, moved his family into the camps on the camp ground and tore down the old parsonage.  A new white shingled house was built using all the good lumber from the old parsonage.  This parsonage was used by the pastors for over 25 years.  In 1971, due to the deterioration of the floors, the need for another parsonage was imminent.  Under the leadership of Rev. W.M. Hudnell, pastor, a new parsonage was started and completed in 1972.

Over the years, the church has had several facelifts.  In 1948, during the pastorate of Rev. Paul Wells, the frame building was remodeled.  The inside was rebuilt and the outside bricked.
During the pastorate of Rev. I.N. Pierce (1949-1951), the educational department was added.

During the pastorate of Rev. Elton Bryan (1975-1978), the front entrance was closed.  The main entrance was moved to the side of the church and an awning was installed there.  The inside of the church was completely turned around.

During the second pastorate of Rev. Elton Lancaster (1982-1986, the wheelchair ramp was built and the Fellowship Hall was erected.

In 2005 under the direction of Rev. Ronnie Gurganus, we moved into a new church facility located across the street from the old church.  This 9,000 square foot building is situated on beautifully landscaped grounds on Carrow Road.  The new sanctuary seats three hundred people and a thirty person choir.  Although the sanctuary is constructed in traditional design, it contains state-of-the-art audio/visual technology.  Also the new facility has many various amenities and accommodations for the functional needs of the church family.  
Our fellowship hall has been remodeled and serves as a multi-functional area, our education building has a well-equipped children's church area and nursery as well as the Sunday school classrooms.  

There have been many improvements over the years through the efforts of the people.  God has indeed blessed the people of the community and Hodges Chapel.  May this church ever be the beacon that God intends for it to be.  

For 100+ years, God has demonstrated His continued guidance and divine favor on the Hodges Chapel Pentecostal Holiness Church.  We are committed to Christ's commission to go into all the world and preach the gospel.  We will continue to support our missionaries in all parts of the world, and minister the Word of God to the people in this community and surrounding area as well. From a very humble start, a beacon of light has been established.

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