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The Fifth P

Before we begin tonight's devotional, I would like thank all of you who joined me last week on the very first Thursday Night Devotions (TND). I really am grateful for all the kind words given to me, it is greatly appreciated. If you missed last week's TND, you can read it by clicking here. Furthermore, I am happy to announce that Sister Joy will be doing next week's TND. I am really looking forward to it. Now that we have pleasantries and announcements out of the way, let us begin.

Last Sunday, Pastor Ronnie preached about "The Church" and covered its five different aspects. If you did not hear that message, or even if you may have forgotten, I suggest you watch it by clicking here. During that message, there were two things that Pastor Ronnie mentioned that really resonated with me.

First, he spoke about how some members of the Church act irresponsibly, and are a dishonor to the Church. Their actions are either from willful disobedience, or simply through neglect. However, he also stated that "They live their lives as if they never even have heard of a church. [...] Yet, the Church lives on in spite of the treatment of its members." The only reason why the Church still stands despite of its members is because of the Church itself is the divine invention of God.

The second thing that he mentions is that the Church is made of four Ps.

People, Problems, Programs, and a Person.

Again, if you have not heard his message, I suggest you do so. Furthermore, I do not wish to add or detract from what Pastor Ronnie said, but when he spoke on the Four Ps, one word popped into my head.


All churches both great and small, in order for them to survive must have this fifth P called passion. That passion must be for the Church's People, the Church's Problems, the Church's Programs. Lastly, and more importantly, a passion for the Person of Christ. It is this final passion that dictates all of the others.

Passion for People

Having a passion for people is easy. Every church (including us) has a passion and desire to see growth. It is always good to see new people come into the church. However, too often we get caught up in the number of people that attend a church and not WHO the people really are. So ask yourself this, the person who you see at church every week, how much do you really know of them? Are you only glad that they are there because they provide another warm body in the church? Are you truly Brothers and Sisters, or just distant cousins?

Passion for Problems

This is another easy one. We absolutely love problems. We really have a passion for them, especially if it is somebody else's problem. When we hear about them, we (both men and women) like to talk about it. Sometimes we even have a passion to create problems.

Passion for Programs

We often time have things that we like to see the church do and have a strong desire to see those things continue just for the sake of continuity. I myself have a strong passion for what the church is trying to accomplish online. However, is that passion because I want people to see my talent? How about you, do you work in the church because you want the accolades of others, or just to keep a program/active alive because you feel it must?

Passion for the Person of Christ

As I stated before, it is this passion that dictates all the others. It is easy to say that one believes in Christ. But like James said in Chapter 2:19.

Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.

It is one thing to believe in Christ, but something altogether different to have a passion for him. One of the greatest shows of passion for Christ was found in Luke Chapter 7. It is the story of the woman and the alabaster box. This woman, who had such a great number sins, loved Christ so much that she was willing to buy a box of very expensive oil and to anoint the feet of Jesus. Furthermore, her passion was so great that she was willing to degrade her own self by using her very own hair and tears to clean the master's feet.

Why did she do this?

Christ said in verse 47 "Wherefore I say unto thee, Her sins, which are many, are forgiven; for she loved much: but to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little." Simply put. She loved Christ, for Christ first loved her, and forgave her.

Putting the "P"ieces Together

(Sorry, for the bad pun)

Now, you may be wondering by now where I am going with all of this. So let's try and bring all these different points together.

First, we must understand that the Person of Christ is at the center of the church. However, we are not only to acknowledge that he is supposed to be head, we must let him be the head. Notice, that I said "we must let him". Christ will not be anywhere he is not wanted.

Second, we must have a passion for him. When you look at the word passion and its original meaning, it means "to suffer". We should have such a love for Christ that we suffer for him. We are willing to do anything for him, and if we do not, we will be at the point of agony. Last week, we spoke about how Jeremiah began to suffer as he tried not to preach the gospel and he became weary of trying to hold it in.

When you are so passionate for Christ, the other three Ps begin to take new shape. No longer are you just concerned with number of People in your church. But you become aware of their wellbeing. When they ache, you ache. When they are broken, so are you. You have become one body, the body of Christ. They are your Brothers and Sister and you will do anything for your family.

Furthermore, you begin to have a different reason to bring people to church. You are no longer just concerned about having your friends and family sitting next to you on the pew. You are concerned with their souls. You will begin to find yourself praying for them, and actively trying to see them grow in Christ. No longer are you only worried about the quantity of people in your Church, but their quality. You want them to succeed, and you will be an encouragement for them.

This new Christly Passion for People will now affect how you see Problems. As I said before, when someone else aches, you will too. You no longer find that other people's problems are distant, but you will have an empathy for them. Most people already have a certain level of empathy towards others, but when you have a Passion for Christ, your empathy is something greater.

This empathy is greater because it is born out of Love. Christ stated in John Chapter 13:34

A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.

Christ loved us so much that he did not want us to go to a Devil's Hell. His empathy was so great that he wept tears of blood for us. He so wanted us to be saved from our problems that he freely gave himself as a lamb to be slaughtered. It is through his sacrifice that we are not only able to spiritually saved, but even physically healed. (Isaiah 53: 4, 5)

Notice that Christ not only prayed for us, but he actively did something to help us. Therefore, should we not be the same? Are we not commanded to love as he has loved? If we have such a passion for him, then the problems of others should be something that we have a burden for. Although we know that we may not be able to take those burdens away, we can at least share them and ease the weight someone might be going through.

Lastly, once you have a Christly Passion for People, and their Problems, the Programs will follow.

Fundraisers and tithing will no longer be just a way to get money for the church. Cookouts, Spring Flings, Trunk or Treats, Cantatas, and Plays will no longer just be a way to get people to visit. Sunday School will not just be a time that we gather together, just because we always have.

Sunday Morning Service will not just be a time of mandatory attendance, because we feel it is our obligation. Music will no longer be just for the entertainment of those both in and out of the choir.

Sunday Night and Wednesday Night Services will no longer be thought as just for the elders. The Thursday Night Devotions will not just be me showing off.





Truth be told, I feel like I am being lead to stop here. I feel like I have said what was needed, and I do not want to say anything else that may detract from what I feel God laid upon my heart. I will however, say this....

Pray for a Christly Passion not only for yourself, but for me and our church.

Pray for Sister Joy and encourage her this week as she prepares for next week's TND. Not only that, but pray for your Pastor and your Sunday School Teachers, they too need your encouragement.

Lastly, if you wish to share something on your heart, please type it down in the comments below. I really would enjoy reading it, and your words may even bless someone.

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