A Simple Testimony

How do I write a devotional? I thought about “Googling” that question when Jonathan asked me to help him this week. I looked up the definition, and found “Of or used in religious worship.” Maybe a devotional is like a testimony, or an opportunity to share what God has done for me. I remember older people standing up to testify in church about how God had blessed them when I was growing up. Perhaps writing a devotional is a modern way of sharing a testimony.
I will simply try to share how God has blessed me lately.
My dad is still with us. In November, my father had a heart attack and would not be here today if my brother had not insisted that he go to the emergency room. We are blessed to live in a time where quadruple bypass surgery is almost a routine procedure, and many people are given an additional twenty years of life.
Six months ago, we were asking for prayer for our finances. The Lord quickly delivered with new full-time jobs. Since that time, we’ve begun to send our children to a babysitter. As a mother, I felt guilty for not being with my children. However, our oldest has started to reach out socially in ways he never did before and is finally interested in making friends with other children.
My Grandmother is still with us and in good health. She will turn 101 years on May 1st. She recently fell and suffered a small fracture in her pelvis. However, her expected recovery time is just 6 to 8 weeks.
My older son loves to pray, and my younger son loves to sing. I am excited by the thought of watching them use their talents for the Lord in the coming years. My children love to be in church. They are experiencing Christ’s love through our church members who wish to serve our young people.
This is a simple testimony, but I hope someone will take the time to think about what the Lord has done for you and be willing to share with others. I also hope that we are all ready to encourage and listen to others share their stories of how God has blessed them.