Help Me Understand

My biggest stumbling block seems to be “Christian People.” I seem to judge ‘actions’ or really ‘lack of fruit’, just being honest…

Maybe it’s the way I was raised, because all I have really ever known was church. With my father being a minister, the church was my life. Don’t get me wrong, I have no regrets at all. I was in church every time the doors were open, even when I had exams the next day. My dad did not accept any excuses.
My fondest memories and the biggest impact on my life came from the church, the church people and my godly parents. I gave my heart to Jesus at an early age because I wanted what they had. The older I got, the more involved in the church I became. I started playing the piano at church, became involved in three different singing groups, and more. I loved it!!

Over the years, however, things have changed. Back then, things seemed so much simpler. Too many things steal our time and energy. Sometimes it seems that church just gets in the way of our lives and the things we would like to do. With our own busy lives to manage, the church is put at the bottom of the list. The Bible states that there will be a ‘great falling away’. Seems like we have been falling for a while, but it also states that we should not forsake the assembling of ourselves. By doing this, it helps protect us from enemy attacks, hardened hearts, discouragement, doubt, depression and others. When we assemble together, we are to stir each other up in love and encourage on another in faith. Paul makes it clear we are to do this even more as Jesus’ return draws closer.
Before COVID (a bad word around here), attendance and participation was already on a decline. After COVID, attendance and participation is STILL on a decline. So I have three important questions…
How do Christian people decide when to come to church?
What causes Christian people to not participate?
Who are we actually serving? Ourselves or God?
So help me understand…In the end we all have to stand before God for our own actions and choices. I choose Christ, His church, His kingdom and a servant’s heart. Don’t let anything or anyone take the place of Jesus. Continue to work in His kingdom because there is coming a time where no one will work.
WWJD? Maybe we need to ask ourselves this question more than we normally do.